
what could we become?

have an okay day.

something i always want to do is to wish people an okay day. i realize, though, that how it would land would likely be different from how i would mean it. i imagine one would be curious as to why i would only want someone to have an okay day, as opposed to a great day.

what i mean is, sometimes we just need an okay day. it doesn’t always need to be spectacular and amazing and great and wonderful. sometimes, it just needs to be okay. sometimes, we just need to know we are going to be okay, and that’s enough. maybe some of it is the introvert in me. and maybe some of it is knowing that it’s enough to be “just” okay sometimes. it’s okay to lay low. it’s okay to be quiet, and live quietly. not everything has to be huge and grandiose and spectacular. we don’t have to “kill it” every day. (are you listening, grind culture?) we can live slowly, and take everything in. we can observe. we can feel the warmth of sunshine on our arms. we can stop and feel a cool breeze caressing our skin. i’m reminded of the mindfulness exercise with the hershey kiss where you just let it melt in your mouth, and you pay attention just to those sensations. we don’t have to rush everything, or anything. a lot of things we are rushing are for other people, for people and things that don’t serve us. the things that truly serve me will be mindful of my pace. we don’t have to hustle. i refuse to hustle because i only answer to me. we can just be okay. we can just be okay.

have an okay day.

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About Me

musings and imaginings of what we could become. what kinds of communities could we create? what kinds of schools could we build? what kinds of relationships could we grow? we don’t have to live this way. we could become something different.


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